
Tomatis Lamiere takes part in the conference “Rinnovabili – idrogeno e Natura” in Rome

In the beautiful location of the “Sala Zuccari”, in the Giustignani Building of the Italian Senate of the Republic, on the 13th October 2023 the conference “Renewables – Hydrogen and Nature” took place.

This important meeting focussed on the future of energy production in Italy, with a particular interest in renewable sources such as green hydrogen.

The director of Tomatis lamiere, Luca Tomatis, attended the event to gather information about new energy production projects which will require metal parts for structures and pipelines.

On the same occasion, moreover, Tomatis Lamiere was given a prize for its environmental commitment, with the donation of 2000 paulownia trees in 2023 as well as new renewable energy production projects undergoing in its facility.
Read the article => Rinnovabili – Idrogeno e Natura


Implementation of the 5S method in the production facilities

In the summer 2023, following the entry of a new production manager, Tomatis Lamiere began a path towards the implementation of the 5S method in its production facilities.

This system, invented in Japan, is being used in several companies all over the world and in multiple sectors such as the automotive (the most famous example is Toyota), the machinery production, the mechanics and the pharmaceutical industry.

In addition to our quality certifications UNI EN 1090 and ISO9001, this plan will help improve the organization of production areas and to upgrade the aesthetics of our facilities, which are being visited more and more by new customers that are interested in establishing working relations with us.

The goal Tomatis lamiere is setting with this project is to reduce all wastes in the production flow and to create a cleaner and safer working environment for its employees, where everyone can give their contribution towards a continuous improvement.


New machines and moving of a production department

Well, you know what they say… sometimes the old must make room for the new!

In June 2023 we have dismantled our two oldest laser cutting machines and we finalized an investment to replace them with two new generation machines.

At the same time we have moved the machining department in the place the two lasers used to be, so that we made more room for the two new cutting machines and their automatic storage system.

The new laser technologies have a power of 6 kW and a working range of 4.000 x 2.000 mm, with a cutting capacity up to 20mm. The highly automated sheets storage system will allow us to increase our productivity and to improve the unattended cutting cycle, therefore enlarging our overall volumes.


Installation and startup of a new XL laser cutting machine

In May 2023 some exciting news came knocking on our door…a new XL laser cutting machine arrived!

This new piece of equipment has a cutting desk of 12.500 x 3.000 mm and it can cut thicknesses up to 25mm, as well as perform mechanical drilling thanks to its piercing unit.

The double cutting heads configuration guarantees a high productivity and it reduces operating times, with the result of lower part costs.

“We are proud to welcome this new machine in our fleet, because it will increase our production capacity significantly in a market sector we are very confident in for the future” declares the owner Danilo Tomatis after the startup operations. The new investment has been put into production right away following the increasing demand from our customers, and it is proving to be a key asset for our work.


Tomatis Lamiere sits amongst the 1000 “Champions businesses” in Italy

In the Teoresi group headquarters in Turin, on the 6th April 2023, the award ceremony of the “Meet the Champions” event took place.

The event was organized in cooperation with the magazine Il Corriere della Sera thanks to the contribution of Credit Agricole bank and Auxiell, and it was the first chapter of a bigger project all over the Italian territory.

This award comes from an accurate analysis carried out by the Italy Post research team, and it has been given to the 1000 best SME Italian companies in terms of profitability, growth and financial strength.

The occurrence was a fruitful gathering of company owners and directors coming from various fields, as well as an occasion to exchange opinions and experiences.

Luca Tomatis, one of the directors of Tomatis Lamiere srl, was given the prize and he took part in an interview about the future developments of the business both in the national and international market.

Watch the video => Champion Business 2023


Tomatis Lamiere is awarded the prize “Industria Felix”

On the 24th March 2023, in the ceremony room “Giovanni Agnelli” located in the Unione Industriali building in Turin, Tomatis Lamiere has received the award “Industrial Felix” in cooperation with the Magazine “Il sole24ore”.

This prestigious recognition, handed out to Davide and Luca Tomatis (third generation as directors of the business) is based on an index made of financial, economical and social factors.

As a result of a complex analysis carried out by Industria Felix research team, Tomatis Lamiere has been nominated as one of the most competitive Italian business with a foreign vocation.

Read the article => Industria Felix 2023


Purchase of a new vertical machining center

In november 2022 a new 3 axis vertical machining center was purchased and added to the machine fleet in this department that now counts 3 units.

This new piece of equipment will give our business more flexibility in the machining operations of small and medium-sized parts, as this working step is more and more appreciated by our customers.

This new investment follows the path of growth and innovation undergone by Tomatis Lamiere in order to cope with new challenges of the steel working market, and it aims to complete the offer towards customers who are asking for a finished product.


Arrival and installation of two new machines in the bending department

In July 2022 two new machines arrived and were installed in the bending department.

The two press brakes had been bought in the fall of 2021 and they are making an important addition to the existing ones, in order to boost the output in this precise sector:

  • A press brake with 6.000 working length and a 640 tons power for medium-thin parts
  • A press brake with a working length of 3.000 mm and an automatic tool changing system that will speed up the operations on small parts

These investments are part of a bigger plan to modernise all the production tools, in order to increase competitivity on every market sector.

These new machines are going to rationalise production as well as to reduce energy consumption, thanks to their new technology that allows to save electricity.


Donation and planting of 2.000 new trees

The company Tomatis Lamiere has donated 2.000 new Paulownia trees to the association “Paulownia Piemonte”, which will be responsible for their distribution and plantation in both public and private properties.

The Paulownia tree is the biggest CO2 absorbing species, and it boasts the fastest growth among all types of plants, up to 5 metres per year.

Moreover, it is suitable for purifying the soil from polluting substances, and it helps the biodiversity and ecosystem with its large flowers giving nutrition to bees and other insects.

This new round of donation from Tomatis Lamiere represents an important gesture towards the environment and it increases the previous project carried out in 2020, when 1.500 trees were planted.

If you’re interested in this project, please contact the association “paulownia Piemonte” at this email: or visit the website


Purchase of a new production building

In the first months of 2022 Tomatis Lamiere has purchased a new industrial warehouse next to its facility, in order to stock parts ready to be delivered to customers.

The new building has a surface of 4.000 sq.m. and it increases the covered area of the business, reaching a total of 20.000 sq.m. with its different departments.

The strategic position of this new structure allows for a rationalisation of space and for an improvement in the production flow.


Tomatis Lamiere takes part in the GLOBAL INDUSTRIE exhibition in Lyon

From the 6th until the 9th September 2021 Tomatis Lamiere has participated to the Global Industrie – Midest fair in Lyon, France.

This event is meant for subcontractors working in various fields such as metal, plastic and wood, and it is the biggest European exhibition where customers can find new suppliers for their projects.

Many visitors showed interest, stopping by our stand and booking meetings to discuss specific works requiring a steel working partner.

For Tomatis Lamiere the participation to this event was aimed to develop a branding strategy as well as to consolidate its position in the French market, which accounts for a fundamental part of its sales nowadays.


Purchase and startup of three new machines

Tomatis Lamiere increases its machine fleet with three new investments:

  • A new laser cutting machine with 6.000 x 2.000 mm working table , which doubles the cutting capacity on this length range, pairing up with the existing cutting system
  • A new oxycutting machine to replace an old one, in order to boost productivity and to improve quality on heavy gauge cutting operations
  • A new vertical milling machine that will further expand the machining department in order to keep up with the growing demand for finished parts.

Continuous innovation is one of the key pillars of Tomatis Lamiere’s philosophy, and it allows the business to compete in the market with the most advanced technologies.


Tomatis Lamiere finances the restauration works at the alpine hut Soria Ellena

This summer 2020 the Tomatis Lamiere company has achieved another important goal aimed at supporting the territory: to finance the restoration of a well-known and frequented Alpine Hut set in the district of Cuneo, namely in the Gesso Valley: the Soria Ellena Alpine Lodge.

The external walls of the building were in very poor conditions and for some time now the urgency of an intervention had become apparent in order to preserve this precious shelter, as well as resting and refreshment place for the hundreds of hikers touring the valley all year round.

Thanks to our concern and concrete help, motivated by a strong love for our Province and our mountains, it was finally possible to proceed to the reclamation of the external walls and to their subsequent coating.

Acting synergically with the C.A.I. (Italian Alpine Club, local section of Cuneo), the local Administrative Authorities ,the Maritime Alps Park Authority, the designated architects and all the professionals we managed to carry out our project in a relatively short time, so much so that we were able to inaugurate the freshly and tastefully restored Alpine Hut Soria Ellena this summer, on 9th August 2020.

The contribution of the Tomatis enterprise consisted both in financial support and in the supply of part of the material used for the renovation of the façade.

Ours are also the steel ornamental plaques realized by means of the laser technology, put up at the entrance of the lodge.

The initiative was dedicated to the memory of the two founders of the Tomatis company, the consorts Vittorio Tomatis and Ernestina Pecollo who started the activity back in 1963.


Our new website is online!

We have just put online our new website with many updates, insights and news to let you keep posted anytime on our business.

The website has the double version Italian-English, and soon also the French language will be available, in order to give all our customers, both Italian and foreign ones, useful explanations about our work and about our identity as a company.

Stay tuned and follow us on our LinkedIn page, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!


Tomatis Lamiere is awarded by Industria Felix Magazine

On Friday 21st February 2020, Tomatis Lamiere took part into the second edition of “Premio Industria Felix”, winning the price as the most competitive and financially solid medium business of Piemonte, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta (three regions of the North-West of Italy).

The celebration was hosted by Industria Felix, associate member of the economical newspaper Il Sole24Ore and held in the “Giovanni Agnelli” room in the headquarters of Unione Industriale of Turin.

On this occasion a price was awarded to the businesses and companies – with their headquarters in Italy – which had achieved the best managing performances in 2018 in terms of economic and financial indexes. These latter were established by the Cerved Group, by means of its “Cerved Group Score”, a special ratio combining businesses according to their operating sector.
The event was organized in association with the Cerved Group, the Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome and the cultural association Industria Felix. It also enjoyed the patronage of Confindustria nazionale along with that of the Ansa News Agency to finish with the partnership of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, Lidl Italia and Grant Thornton.

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